10/2017 - Can Serrat (Barcelona, ES). 3h Silent walk w/ Amery Kessler.
3/2018 - The Walk Discourse (San Francisco, California). 2h Walkshop
Traces of Intimacy.
01/2018 - A Wander is not a Slog.
Crossing Paths/Different Worlds by Romany Reagan. Gubbio Cemetery (Italy).
Walk in response to Blake Morris's prompt #4.
09/2017 - 4th World Congress of Psychogeography (Huddersfield, UK).
I am the city of others who are the city. 2h.
Urban pilgrimage w/ Witold van Ratingen, Stephen Donelly and Gavin Rogers.
My mind is molded, deformed by the ephemeral state of the city. I am water contained in water. Is there adaptation to the continent or dissapearance of the content? What does it mean that content and continent are interchangeable or even the same? I am the city and she is no other than myself. I am the city of others who are the city. The city is not a "them", not even a "you".
05/2017 - Market Street (San Francisco, California).
I am the city of others who are the city. 4h.
An urban pilgrimage, an act of worship to the public realm.
Touch the surface to break it and unveil what's underneath it. Touch the ground, or a wall, or the skin, or a thought. What if all layers were surface? What if every act is an exercise in rhetoric? Live only to write about it. Curate life without hiding the structure and planning of such a careful exhibition of lies.
My breath in the bricks. The ground, a body. Establish thermal relationships.
The city barely trembles.
12/2016 - (Valencia, ES).
Back to nomadism / Toward sedentism. 2h.